Sunday, 25 January 2009

Gutteridge dies following illness

Gutteridge was a well-respected figure in the world of boxing.
Legendary boxing commentator and journalist Reg Gutteridge has died after a short illness aged 84. In 2002 he was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

To me Gutteridge WAS boxing, certainly in the early days watching Lloyd Hunnigan, Barry McGuigan et al from about 1 foot away from the TV screen. In my thirst for boxing knowledge it was Reg who sang in my ear and nurtured my love for the sport.

My wishes are with his family and loved ones.

Box on Reg.


Anonymous said...

Will there be another boxing game soon?

BoxMan said...

Yes. I am currently negotiating with a developer to help me make the new version even better.

Keep an eye on the blog for breaking news soon.


Anonymous said...

Any news about another boxing game?

BoxMan said...


White said...

Yes. I am currently negotiating with a developer to help me make the new version even better. Keep an eye on the blog for breaking news soon. Anthony.