Sunday, 9 August 2009

New Version Update #4

Hello all,
Hope you are well.

Let's see, much has happened recently including the first load of the new game as shown:
Exciting eh?

This obviously won't mean alot to you but the ability to create over 200,000 character attribute records AND save them to disk in under 1 SECOND should. I basically now have the power to create the game I have always wanted to make...

It's not all tech end stuff though, I have hired a fantastic animator/designer to do the graphical work and sneak peak of which is shown:

This is the first composition of the new game office and has already been superseeded by a preferred version. Wanna see it? All in good time...

That's all for now surfice to say with the new designer on board, the programmer back from a maritial hiatus and me very much zoned-in on getting the game finished this year, it'a all systems go.

Until next time, box on!


Anonymous said...

This look fantastic, can't wait for the game to be release. Thanks a lot!

Agronomitos said...

Go foward!!!!! Jesuán of Argentina.

Anonymous said...

Please keep us updated!

We need a proper boxing manager, go go go!!!

BoxMan said...

Thank you all for your kind comments.

We are working away and I will be updating the blog soon with a very important update. Watch this space.

Keep the faith and Box on!

Anonymous said...

Looking good! It's the only worthy boxing manager game out there!

Porscha Ortiz said...

Please keep us updated! We need a proper boxing manager, go go go!!!