Wednesday, 17 November 2010

New Version Update #8

Hey all,
Hope you are well. Looking forward to Xmas? Me neither! :)

Firstly, the bad news...
Latest 'sheenanigans'? Lost my programmer. I know, unreal...
I don't really want to get into it in too much detail but as you can imagine this was very bad news. Basically he was put under 'personal' pressure to earn more money which meant he could not allow the time needed on the development. Not only did I lose a very clever coder but I also lost alot of time on a guy that knew what I wanted. A major shame.

I now have a new programmer, a new agreement and the guy is in for the long haul!
Not only is he getting paid but he will also be getting paid on sales which means it is in his very best interest to get the game released quickly for everyone sake. Even better news is he is local to me. We have met face to face (no more of this remote wait a week for an answer rubbish!) we've been for a beer or two and I finally feel a synergy with a coder that (as you know) I have wanted for a VERY long time.

Thirdly, current state of play.
The new coder has just finished review existing code and documentations and together we are creating a new production roadmap. Already stated on Non Player Character (NPC) development. New release date? June 1st 2011.

Box On (finally) and keep the faith (please)!


Anonymous said...

great news anthony glad we have a release date cant wait til june now

Anonymous said...

Hope it`ll be on for june 2011 but wouldn`t be surprised if its get postponed again and again.

BoxMan said...

Anon #1. Thanks for writing. Keep the faith. I know it's been too long to wait but we're getting there. Are you on the beta list? Make sure you are as then you'll be able to have your say in the future of the game and first look!

Anon #2. See above! :)

kendal said...

id like to be on the beta list aswell. looking forward to the game coming out!

also is it posible that one day youll consider doing a mma manager game?

Anonymous said...

The news about the new version is great! Cant wait to see it. How do I get on the beta list?

BoxMan said...

Hi Kendal,
No probs. Basically its open to registered users so just drop me a line via the web form with your order number and betalist request and it'll be done.

MMA? Hey, anything can happen! :)

See above!