Friday, 31 December 2010

I hope you all...

...have a happy new year!

Lets hope this is a big one for BM (it wont be for lack of trying!) :)

Keep safe, be lucky and for the last time in 2010...Box On!


kenny said...

Question about respawning:
In the new game will players be able to retire?

Will new players respawn?

If new players respawn will they spawn with fight records or with they already be blank?
I guess it makes senses if they have fight statistics already...but it would be coool if you tae a 16 year old wth no experience and take him to the top if he has the natural talent

Allso, witll there be a hall of fame so to speak within the game so people can be remembered?

Anonymous said...

If you played the first game, you know that theres always new talent every year. And I'm sure Anthony don't want to copy the WMMA series, as I understand your questions are base on what is in WMMA...

BoxMan said...

Hey Kenny,
The system (as is the whole game) is as closely modelled on the real world as possible, so boxers will have a career (which will be as good as their manager can make it) and then retire. Gone. Finished.
Unlike the existing game boxers may retire (I.e. inactive for over 12 months and without a manager) and can be 'brought back' with offers of big purses and revenge!
(So, Just like the real thing! :))

Anon. WMMA. Never heard of it. I'm far too busy to be keeping tabs on everyone...or am I... ;O)

Anonymous said...

Do you have any new screens? :)

BoxMan said...

Hi Anon,
To be honest, yes I do.
The difficulty for me is I dont really want to put shots out there, especially during build phase, which aren't fully realised and may change completely.

I'm about to tackle another major part of the redevelopment in early March which is going to produce some eye candy which will be put on display so stay tuned! :)

kenny said...

@ anonymous
well who cares where the hell my questions came from. I want the developers to do a good job. Many first and third party game ideas were built on the ideas of those who pay for the product. Its a legitimate question.

Anyway, its good that the game seems to be ahead of schedule. were all really excited and cant wait to see how it looks.

kenny said...

And its great that they can be brought back. But does that mean that when all fighters retire there will be no newly respawned players to replace them? :(