Friday, 22 July 2011

New Feature Spotlight #3 - Professional Boxing Manager

Professional Boxing Manager is a Knockout. Start the Count...1...2...


Achieve honours in the Amateur boxing world, go for Professional boxing glory or Both at the same time!

Yes, the amateur boxing world is now going to be fully represented by a world class boxing management game!
This means you'll be able to talent spot right from an early age, nurture the skills and, of course, take them all the way to professional glory. Full career progression is now yours to shape.

The new game is very much about levels. For the boxers (amateur and professional class) and this time around, for you too!
A good way to explain would be to imagine if YOU right now went and applied for a managers licence and started a boxing gym. In all likelihood the licence will only apply in your base country and (unless you have some famous and trusting boxer friends) your gym will be initially attended by local amateurs and low level pros. That's not to say you won't be able to try and get some famous names, you just won't succeed without throwing a LOT of money around which you won't have! :0) The good news is as you (the manager) develop you will be able to earn the right to succeed with an application to manage at Continental and then World level.

"Say what? This is brilliant!"
Thanks, you're too kind! It is brilliant and it is brilliant on multiple levels!

The result? Amateur boxing finally gets the representation it deserves and you finally get to feel the warm glow that only comes from starting at the bottom and climbing the ranks to the top. As always, I'm interested to read your feedback to this and all the future feature announcements so please get in touch.

Until next time...


Anonymous said...

This looks awsome.....I just hope the wait will worth it....
And by the in real boxing, will you be able to organize fight between your own stable boxer???
Anyway congrats...the game looks to be great.

Yann said...

I hope this game will deliver, as the preview seems very nice. And like anonymous there any chance of being able to sign more than 1 boxer in a weight categorie? Or will it be like in the previous game, and can only sign 1 boxer per categorie?
Thanks and hope the game will be released before the end of the year.....

thirdno3 said...

Looking good,

Do you have a ETA yet?

BoxMan said...


Anon. Thanks. There isnt the ability to organise inter stable fights.

Yann. Thanks. Me too!
There is currently only 1 boxer per weight again but that is only whilst we are working things through on the database. Can change.

thirdno3. Thanks.
Only this year. Has a delay enforced upon me which was very frustrating but Im now over that hump and steaming onwards!